About | Nominet

UK registration with Nominet

Software Foundation are members of Nominet to provide you Domain Registration and Services within the .uk domain (we also provide worldwide domain registrations but these are outwith Nominet - we use joker.com.

We inform you of Nominets Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration which can be found here. We will update you should any changes occur.

If you register a .uk domain you also enter into a contract with Nominet, the terms of which can be found here http://www.nominet.org.uk/go/terms. Nominet is the central registry of all .uk domains.

We will act promptly when you request changes to your domain.

Each renewal we will inform you 30 days prior to the renewal asking you to confirm renewal or notify us of discontinuation.

Each year we require you to keep your data with us up to date. We keep this data secret and do not pass it onto 3rd parties (except for the information required by Nominet).

Should you have any complaints reqarding the UK domains you hold with us and we do not resolve to your satiusfaction then you can contact Nominet here.

.UK and .CO.UK Domains

If a domain was registered before 23:59hrs on 28 October 2013 that registrant will have the rights to the equivalent .uk domain, providing there was no other corresponding .co.uk, .org.uk, me.uk, .ltd.uk, .plc.uk or .net.uk registered. After 28 October 2013 you do not have automatic rights the registration of the corresponding domain.

What this means is that you do not need to register a .uk and a.co.uk domain together but if you want to protect your namespace you should register both.